
Intuitive by nature and scientific by culture, my spiritual journey began in childhood, with experiences that opened me to realities beyond the visible. My first non-dual experience, lived in early adolescence, marked the beginning of this profound exploration.

At the age of 13, I discovered a natural ability to heal, which nurtured my interest in subtle energies and the connection to the physical body.

At 19, without seeking it, I experienced a kundalini awakening, a life-altering event that transformed my perception of myself and the world. For nearly 20 years, I walked this path without a guide or master, free from external influence, relying on my own experience to move forward.

My interest in healing led me to explore various therapeutic tools over more than 30 years. Many saw in me a calling to become a therapist, but I never felt the need to define myself as such, nor to make this path my profession.

Today, at 50, I lead a simple life, gradually integrating spiritual realizations into daily life. I accompany those who wish to embark on their own inner exploration, with deep listening and sincerity.